Use of the fatty acid profile as a chemotaxonomic marker for diatoms from the genus Nitzschia Hassall of the salt lakes of Mongolia
УДК 582.26:517.3(517)
Biotechnology, diatoms, fatty acids, Mongolia, NitzschiaAbstract
New diatom strains of Nitzschia were isolated from phytoplankton and benthos of saltwater lakes inMongolia. The strains were identified based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis using the 18SrDNA gene. The new strains have been included into the Bacillariales clade with a high statistical support. Analysis ofthe fatty acid composition of the studied strains showed that 16:0 palmitic, 18:0 stearic, and 16:1 palmitoleic acids weredominant – they accounted for up to 97.5 % of the total fatty acids. New strains of Nitzschia from Mongolian lakes showedthe minimum content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. Taking into account the peculiaritiesof the profiles of fatty acids, and primarily the amount of saturated and monounsaturated acids, new strains of Nitzschiacan be considered for biotechnological use as a potential raw material for the production of biofuel.
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