Amur cork tree as a promising introduction plant for urban green spaces in Moscow and the Moscow region

УДК 582.751.9: 58.084(470.311.2)


  • T. G. Makhrova BMSTU (Mytishchi branch)



Amur cork tree, decorativeness, introduction, sustainability, urban plantings


The article assesses the success of the introduction and decorativeness of Amur cork tree in several plantings on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, and also concludes on the expediency of its further use. The results of a survey of five previously created artificial populations are presented. The assessment of the sanitary conditionwas carried out according to the methodology recommended by the Rules of Sanitary Safety in Forests. Flowering andfruiting of plants were evaluated according to the method of N. E. Bulygin. The aesthetic evaluation of the trees was given on a three-point Agaltsova scale. Seasonal decorativeness was studied according to the method of N. V. Kotelova andO. N. Vinogradova. The success of the introduction was evaluated by the method of the Main Botanical Garden of theRussian Academy of Sciences. Studies have established that Amur cork tree in urban plantings in Moscow and the Moscow region is not affected by local diseases and plant pests, shows a high degree of winter hardiness, retains a high degreeof aesthetic appeal, has a consistently high winter decorative effect, blooms profusely and bears fruit, forming germinatingseeds. Therefore, it can be recommended for wider use when creating new green construction projects.


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How to Cite

Amur cork tree as a promising introduction plant for urban green spaces in Moscow and the Moscow region: УДК 582.751.9: 58.084(470.311.2) . (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 298-300.