Genomic constitution of diploid species of the genus Avena L. with A-genome according to the data of the next-generation sequencing (NGS)
УДК 575.17:582.52
A-genome, NGS, oats, phylogeny, PoaceaeAbstract
For diploid (2x) species with the A-genome, as well as for hexaploid (6x) from the genus Avena, a locus-specific next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the sequence of the region of the internal transcribed spacer ITS1 and the beginning of the 5.8S rRNA gene was carried out on the Illumina platform. The high diversity and heterogeneity of the genomes of diploid species are shown. It was revealed that the genomes of modern diploid oat species are relatively far removed from the hexaploid species. It was found that A. canariensis occupies an isolated position among other diploid species, and also takes only an insignificant role in the formation of hexaploid genomes.
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