Accumulation of elements in thalli of representatives of genus Circinaria Link (lichenized ascomycetes) in arid habitats

УДК 582.29+57.014+57.044(470.46)


  • A. G. Paukov Ural federal universit
  • E. P. Kruglova Ural federal university
  • V. I. Pryakhina Ural federal university
  • O. S. Sinenko Ural federal university
  • A. Yu. Teptina Ural federal university



Adaptation, Aspicilia desertorum, Megasporaceae, metal accumulation


Elemental profiles were studied in thalli of a representative of Circinaria from Bogdinsko-Baskunchakskiyreserve (Astrakhan region, Russia). The highest concentration of iron, silica and aluminium were found in the cortex ofthe thalli. In the deeper layers the concentration of the elements decreases but the concentration of aluminium does notdepend on the depth. Iron and aluminium in thalli may act as filters for UV-B as well as heat insulators.


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How to Cite

Accumulation of elements in thalli of representatives of genus Circinaria Link (lichenized ascomycetes) in arid habitats: УДК 582.29+57.014+57.044(470.46) . (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 341-342.