About species relationship of Galium trifidum section Aparinoides in Asian Russia
УДК 582.972.3(571)
Corolla, Galium, leaf, peduncles, pubescence, Rubiaceae, section Aparinoides, taxonomyAbstract
The morphological features of representatives of the section Aparinoides (Rubiaceae) are presented. In AsianRussia, the section is represented by five species: Galium palustre, G. trifidum, G. baicalense, G. ruprechtii, G. brandegeei.It was revealed that closely related species of the Aparinoides section differ in the shape and pubescence of the leaf, inflorescence, pubescence of peduncles, the location of pedicels relative to the branches, the number of corolla lobes, the shapeof the corolla lobes, and sculpture of the mericarp pericarp. Morphological characters can be used to differentiate closelyrelated species of the Aparinoides section.
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