Molecular genetic study of Trollius L. species using ISSR, ITS, rbcL and matK markers
УДК 582.675.1*575.113
Genetic polymorphism, ISSR-PCR analysis, phylogeny, TrolliusAbstract
Trollius L. – plant genus of Ranunculaceae Juss. family that has decorative and practical applications. Onthe territory of Siberia, the greatest diversity of representatives is noted. During the study, a population genetic analysis for7 populations of T. asiaticus, 2 populations of T. vitalii and 1 population of T. sibiricus was carried out. Revealed 114 loci,the total polymorphism of which is 98.25 %. The number of amplified fragments is related to the primer and range from27 (17899A) to 32 (ISSR-17 and HB14). GST is 0,5186, therefore, the studied populations have a high degree of differentiation according to the classification of Wright’s classification and are divided into separate species. On the dendrogram of population similarity, 2 clusters are distinguished, one of which is formed by populations belonging to the speciesT. sibiricus. The second cluster includes populations of T. asiaticus and T. vitalii. A separate group that, probably, belongsto T. austrosibiricus Erst et Luferov is formed by the Baikal and Idzhim populations. When constructing a tree for individual representatives, a clear division of populations into separate groups is observed. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotidesequences of the ITS regions, chloroplast genes matK and rbcL revealed the absence of significant differences between thespecies T. asiaticus, T. vitalii, T. kolonok, T. europaeus L., T. altaicus, and T. sibiricus. SNPs were noted in the matK sequences in T. europaeus, T. altaicus, and T. kolonok.
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