Polymorphism in populations of Corydalis subjenisseensis s. l. (Papaveraceae) in the south of the Yenisei Siberia
УДК 582.682:575.174+577.21
Cluster analysis, Corydalis subjenisseensis, ISSR-PCR markers, genetic population analysisAbstract
Corydalis subjenisseensis (Antipova) is a tuberous ephemeroid characterized by a high morphological diversity. During the research work genetic polymorphism of 7 populations Corydalis subjenisseensis s. l., growing in the southof the Yenisei Siberia were analyzed using ISSR markers. The amplification of genomic DNA with 8 ISSR primers yielded100 DNA amplicons of which 78 were polymorphic. The number of amplified DNA fragments, depending on the primer,varied from 9 (ISSR-17) to 21 (HB14). The maximum level of genetic variation was observed for Western Sayan populations growing in aspen and fir forests. The genetic differentiation among populations (Gst) was 0.2415, indicating a highlevel of differentiation. The similarity dendrogram performed in the TFPGA program shows a division into 2 groups: thefirst group includes the Krasnoyarsk and Khakass populations of C. subjenisseensis, the second group includes the Tanzybei populations, which are characterized by a high level of polymorphism. A similar structure is observed when buildingclusters using the Bayesian approach. 69 genotypes are divided into a maximum of 7 genetic clusters. Among the populations of the Tanzybei, individuals of presumably hybridogenic origin are found, grouped around two centers of “attraction”.
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