New location of Tulipa mongolica and its phytocenotic confinement in the Trans-Baikal Territory
УДК 582.572.226: 581.95+574.34(571.54/.55)
New location, relict, phytocenotic confinement, Tulipa mongolicaAbstract
The article reports on the new location of a rare, narrow-localized miocene-pliocene relic Tulipa mongolicaY. Z. Zhao, in the Trans-Baikal Territory along the south-eastern sandy-rocky slope of the lake Bayn-Tsagan terrace (Ononsky district), as part of the karaganovo-chiovo-vostretsovaya steppe. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the tulip grows onthe northern border of its range: in the vicinity of the village Budulan, near the town Malyi Bator (Aginsky district) in thebushyed cold-wormwood-kovylnaya steppe; along the northern coast of the lake Zun-Torey, in the village Kulusutai, nearthe town Gydyrgun (Ononsky district) in the karayganovo-raznotravno-kovylnaya steppe. This cenopopulation is locatedon the territory of the protected zone of the Daursky Nature Reserve.
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