Statistical assessment of ecological invariants of plant cover and the possibility of estimating invariants in the taxonomy of plants

УДК 581.92:574.3/4(470.23)


  • B. I. Semkin Pacific Institute of Geography FEB RAS
  • L. I. Varchenko Pacific Institute of Geography FEB RAS



Comparative analysis, development phases, ecological invariants, statistical estimattion, taxonomic invariants, vegetation


In this work, for the first time, ecological invariants for the dry polydominant cereal-forb meadow of theKarelian Isthmus of the Leningrad region and taxonomic invariants of three species of Heracleum L. are determined. It isproposed to use the developed statistical methods for evaluating invariants to differentiate biological objects at all levels ofbiota: molecular, subcellular, cellular, organismic, population, coenotic and ecological.


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How to Cite

Statistical assessment of ecological invariants of plant cover and the possibility of estimating invariants in the taxonomy of plants: УДК 581.92:574.3/4(470.23). (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 401-403.