Structural peculiarities of the flower-bearing shoot of some Apiaceae Lindl. species

УДК 582.893.6:581.4


  • D. T. Khamraeva Tashkent State Pedagogical University



Apiaceae, paracladium, synflorescence, type of flower, umbel’s ray


The article considers the synflorescence structure of five little-studied and endemic representatives ofUmbelliferae (Apiaceae Lindl.) from Central Asia. Among the taxa studied, Komarovia anisosperma is distinguished bya special organization of the inflorescence, and which is represented by the type of storey raceme from open double umbels collected 2–6 in whorls. The remaining species are characterized by one type of inflorescence – this is a panicle ofclosed double umbels. Belonging to the same tribe Komarovieae J. Zhou et S. R. Downie, species Komarovia anisosperma and Sphaerosciadium denaense, have some similar features in the structure of the synflorescence. So, the first specieshas 5 lateral axes of the I order around the main axis assembled in whorls, while in the second species they are locatedwith a whorl under the central umbel , in addition, both species do not have involucres and involucels. The revealedfeatures of branching of the inflorescence and flower arrangement, signs of involucres and involucels, the length of therays of the umbels and pedicels, as well as the characteristic of the formation of various types of flowers in the umbeland synflorescence can be used in keys and diagnoses, and also for the conservation of rare and endemic species, forthe collection of made seeds from plants in natural conditions with further introduction to the botanical gardens or onthe protected areas.


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How to Cite

Structural peculiarities of the flower-bearing shoot of some Apiaceae Lindl. species: УДК 582.893.6:581.4. (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 466-469.