The lichens in aluminum plants vicinities of Irkutsk region
УДК 528.29(571.54)
Atmospheric pollution, epiphytic and epigeic lichensAbstract
The aim of our work was to assess the diversity of lichens in the forests polluted by the air emissions fromthe Bratsk (BRAZ), Irkutsk (IRKAZ) and Taishet (TAZ) aluminum smelters, as well as in the background (non-polluted)territories, similar to those by natural and forest-growing conditions. 102 wide-distributed lichen species were found onplots. This amount is due to the fact that the wood tier is sparse and forophytes composition is depleted. The lichen diversity varies in different types of vegetation and according to the influence of anthropogenic factors. Species diversity in vicinities of smelters and in buffer zones are similar, excluding control zones with dark-conifers forests. It’s established that as wemove closer to the aluminum plants – to the IRKAZ and especially BRAZ, the projective cover, the total number of speciesdecreases, and their species composition changes. Clear morphological changes of lichen thalloma were observed in theimpact zone of the BRAZ. Relatively resistant to atmospheric pollution lichens are found in the impact and buffer zonesin vicinities of plants. Lichens are absent in the crowns and trunks, but their abundance increases on bases of trees trunks.
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