Characteristics of Iris pumila and standard and miniature dwarf bearded irises in the collection of the Education and Research Center “Botanical Garden” of Saratov State University

УДК 58.006:582.579.2:470.44


  • T. N. Shakina The Education and Research Center “Botanical Garden”, Saratov State University
  • L. V. Kulikova The Education and Research Center “Botanical Garden”, Saratov State University
  • E. A. Loskutova The Education and Research Center “Botanical Garden”, Saratov State University



Introduction, introduction assessment, Iris pumila L., Lower Volga, varieties, phenophases


The article presents the results of the study of phenoritmes and introductional evaluation of dwarf irisand its grade forms. During the phenological observations between 2016 and 2020, the Education and Research Center“Botanical Garden” in Saratov established calendar dates of the main development phases, determined the average datesand duration of flowering in the studied samples. The revision showed that the studied species and varieties are stable inthe culture in the Lower Volga region, as they are winter-resistant, immune to diseases and pests, are distinguished by thedecorative flowering. The varieties of toffee are low for a number of observed years successfully grow, preserving theirvarietal characteristics. Assessment of the introduction success showed that the studied species and varieties of iris werepromising for introduction into the culture and can be recommended for landscaping in the conditions of Saratov.


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How to Cite

Characteristics of Iris pumila and standard and miniature dwarf bearded irises in the collection of the Education and Research Center “Botanical Garden” of Saratov State University: УДК 58.006:582.579.2:470.44. (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 486-491.