Woody and semi-woody species in the collection “Rare and endangered plant species of Siberia” (Novosibirsk)
УДК 502.753/.754:581.412(571.1/.5)
Introduction, rare and endangered species, woody and semi-woody specAbstract
. The article presents the results of the conservation of woody and semi-woody species under introductionconditions in the collection “Rare and endangered plant species of Siberia” of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden (Novosibirsk). This collection was founded in 1965 years. The analysis of the fund of this collection is carried out. For a longtime (more than 10 years), 22 woody and semi-woody species from 14 families from 8 regions of Siberia are grown in thecollection. Four species are endemic: Sedum populifolium Pallas, Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht., Sibiraea altaiensis (Laxm.)Schneider and Tilia sibirica Fisher ex Bayer. Most of the species are represented in the collection by small populations. Thisis due to the problems of reproduction of species in the conditions of culture, for many of which methods of vegetative andseed reproduction have not been developed. The traditional method of reproduction used for herbaceous plants – laboratory-greenhouse-soil. This method is often ineffective for woody species due to the long pregenerative period and low biological longevity of seeds. In the introduction, microecological conditions are selected for each species, since they belongto different ecological groups. Among the introduced species there are 13 mesophytes, 8 xerophytes, 1 xeromesophyte. Thearticle presents literary and original information about the methods of reproduction of cultivated species.
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