The efficiency of SSR and ISSR markers for the assessment of genetic polymorphism of varieties and hybrids of garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × hortorum Bailey)

УДК 577.29+631.52


  • L. G. Yakushina Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • R. M. Shhalahova Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,



Breeding, chrysanthemum, genetic distances, ISSR-analysis, polymorphism, SSR-analys


The genetic analysis of five varieties and seventeen hybrids of the collection of the Federal Research Centrethe Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC SSC RAS) of Sochi was carried out using DNAmarkers: SSR analysis and ISSR analysis. With the help of these markers, it was possible to identify the genetic differencesof the studied samples. At the same time, the analysis of phenotypic traits was carried out, which allowed us to dividethe studied plants into phenotypic groups. When processing genotypic and phenotypic groups, five related groups ofthe studied plants were identified. SSR-and ISSR-markers allow us to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of varieties andhybrids of Chrysanthemum × hortorum.


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How to Cite

The efficiency of SSR and ISSR markers for the assessment of genetic polymorphism of varieties and hybrids of garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × hortorum Bailey): УДК 577.29+631.52. (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 520-525.