Ecological assessment using diatom community in Avarga Toson Lake (Mongolia)

УДК 582.26:574.21(282.2)(517.3)


  • Ts. Bukhchuluun Laboratory of Plant Systematics and Phylogeny, Botanic Garden and Research Institute of Mongolian Academy of Sciences



Антропогенный фактор, богатство диатомовых водорослей, подвижные диатомеи, озеро Аварга Тосон


A total of 32 diatom species were recorded in Avarga Toson Lake. Motile diatom species are dominatingin diatom communities. The species composition of two coexisted lakes is markedly different. Diatom richness, speciescomposition, and dominant species indicate that Burd lake is polluted by livestock grazing or domestic pollution, andToson Lake is polluted by human activities with high sediment accumulation at the bottom.


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How to Cite

Ecological assessment using diatom community in Avarga Toson Lake (Mongolia): УДК 582.26:574.21(282.2)(517.3). (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(1), 526-530.