Vegetation degradation assessment in the agricultural zone of Northern Mongolia
УДК 581.55:581.524.34(517)
Выпас скота, деградация растительности, Монголия, пахотные земли, СеленгаAbstract
We conducted research to assess vegetation degradation in Selenge province described as the agricultural zone.Our research results based on the vegetation community map showed that 46.7 % of the total area is light, 3.3 % is moderate,13.9 % is strong, and 30.4 % is very strong degraded. Vegetation degradation was mostly observed in river valleys, lowerplains, hills and small mountains and mountain slopes due to the intensity of summer grazing. The moderately degraded areawas often winter places using as rotate or properly managed grazing land and light degradation has occurred in the forest area.Very strong degradation was revealed mainly in Saikhan, Orkhon, Javkhlant sub-provinces and strongly degraded in Sant,Orkhontuul, Baruunburen. Light degradation of vegetation were observed in sub-provinces adequately covered by forestincluding Eruu, Tushig, Shaamar, Khuder, but there are still problems related to mining and deforestation.
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