Taxonomy of Potentilla sect. Multifidae in opinion of R. V. Kamelin and J. Sojak: can their opposition be resolved with molecular data?
УДК 582.734:575.858
ITS, J. Sojak, Multifidae, phylogeny, Potentilla, R. V. Kamelin, taxonomyAbstract
In a study of a small sample of species related to Potentilla multifida we managed to clarify several disputable cases of relations and origin assessments using nr ITS based maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree.
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Камелин Р. В. Род 15. Лапчатка - Potentilla L. // Флора Восточной Европы. - СПб.: Мир и Семья; Изд-во СПХ-ФА, 2001. - Т. 10. - С. 394-452.
Камелин Р. В. Лекции по систематике растений. Главы теоретической систематики растений. - Барнаул: Изд-во «АзБука», 2004. - 226 с.
Решетникова Н.М. Род 7 (3356). Potentilla L. - Лапчатка // Флора Нижнего Поволжья. - М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2018. - Т. 2, ч. 2. - 519 с.
Lemoine F., Domelevo Entfellner J. B., Wilkinson E., Correia D., Davila Felipe M., De Oliveira T., Gascuel O. Renewing Felsenstein’s phylogenetic bootstrap in the era of big data // Nature, 2018. - Vol. 556. - P. 452-456. DOI: 10.1038/ s41586-018-0043-0
Rozas J., Ferrer-Mata A., Sanchez-DelBarrio J. C., Guirao-Rico S., Librado P., Ramos-Onsins S. E., Sanchez-Gracia A. DnaSP v6: DNA Sequence Polymorphism Analysis of Large Datasets // Mol. Biol. Evol., 2017. - Vol. 34. - P. 32993302. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msx248
RydbergP. A. Notes on Potentilla. II // Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 1896. - Vol. 23. - P. 259-265.
Schanzer I. A., Fedorova A. V., Shelepova O. V., Suleymanova G. F. Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Potentilla multifida L. agg. (Rosaceae) in Northern Eurasia with Special Focus on Two Rare and Critically Endangered Endemic Species, P. volgarica and P. eversmanniana // Plants, 2020. - Vol. 9, № 12. - P. 1798. DOI: 10.3390/plants9121798
Shaw J., Lickey E. B., Beck J. T., Farmer S. B., Liu W., Miller J., Siripun K. C., Winder C. T., Schilling E. E., Small R. L. The tortoise and the hare II: Relative utility of 21 noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences for phylogenetic analysis // Am. J. Bot., 2005. - Vol. 92. - P. 142-166. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.92.1.142
Shaw J., Lickey E. B., SchillingE. E., Small R. L. Comparison of whole chloroplast genome sequences to choose noncoding regions for phylogenetic studies in angiosperms: The tortoise and the hare III // Am. J. Bot., 2007. - Vol. 94. -P. 275-288. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.94.3.275
Sojak J. Potentilla L. (Rosaceae) and related genera in the former USSR (identification key, checklist and figures) Notes on Potentilla XVI // Bot. Jahrb. Syst., 2004. - Vol. 125, № 3. - P. 253-340.
Sojak J. Potentilla L. s. l. (Rosaceae) in Flora Europae Orientalis (Notes on Potentilla XVIII) // Candollea, 2005. -Vol. 60, № 1. - P. 59-78.
StephensM., Smith N., Donelly P. A new statistical method for haplotype reconstruction from population data. // Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2001. - Vol. 68. - P. 978-989. DOI: 10.1086/319501
Stephens M., Donelly P. A comparison of bayesian methods for haplotype reconstruction from population genotype data // Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2003. - Vol. 73. - P. 1162-1169. DOI: 10.1086/379378
Wen J., Zimmer E. Phylogeny and biogeography of Panax L. (the ginseng genus, Araliaceae): Inferences from ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA // Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 1996. - Vol. 6. - P. 167-177. DOI: 10.1006/mpev.1996.0069
Камелин Р. В. Лекции по систематике растений. Главы теоретической систематики растений. - Барнаул: Изд-во «АзБука», 2004. - 226 с.
Решетникова Н.М. Род 7 (3356). Potentilla L. - Лапчатка // Флора Нижнего Поволжья. - М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2018. - Т. 2, ч. 2. - 519 с.
Lemoine F., Domelevo Entfellner J. B., Wilkinson E., Correia D., Davila Felipe M., De Oliveira T., Gascuel O. Renewing Felsenstein’s phylogenetic bootstrap in the era of big data // Nature, 2018. - Vol. 556. - P. 452-456. DOI: 10.1038/ s41586-018-0043-0
Rozas J., Ferrer-Mata A., Sanchez-DelBarrio J. C., Guirao-Rico S., Librado P., Ramos-Onsins S. E., Sanchez-Gracia A. DnaSP v6: DNA Sequence Polymorphism Analysis of Large Datasets // Mol. Biol. Evol., 2017. - Vol. 34. - P. 32993302. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msx248
RydbergP. A. Notes on Potentilla. II // Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 1896. - Vol. 23. - P. 259-265.
Schanzer I. A., Fedorova A. V., Shelepova O. V., Suleymanova G. F. Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Potentilla multifida L. agg. (Rosaceae) in Northern Eurasia with Special Focus on Two Rare and Critically Endangered Endemic Species, P. volgarica and P. eversmanniana // Plants, 2020. - Vol. 9, № 12. - P. 1798. DOI: 10.3390/plants9121798
Shaw J., Lickey E. B., Beck J. T., Farmer S. B., Liu W., Miller J., Siripun K. C., Winder C. T., Schilling E. E., Small R. L. The tortoise and the hare II: Relative utility of 21 noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences for phylogenetic analysis // Am. J. Bot., 2005. - Vol. 92. - P. 142-166. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.92.1.142
Shaw J., Lickey E. B., SchillingE. E., Small R. L. Comparison of whole chloroplast genome sequences to choose noncoding regions for phylogenetic studies in angiosperms: The tortoise and the hare III // Am. J. Bot., 2007. - Vol. 94. -P. 275-288. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.94.3.275
Sojak J. Potentilla L. (Rosaceae) and related genera in the former USSR (identification key, checklist and figures) Notes on Potentilla XVI // Bot. Jahrb. Syst., 2004. - Vol. 125, № 3. - P. 253-340.
Sojak J. Potentilla L. s. l. (Rosaceae) in Flora Europae Orientalis (Notes on Potentilla XVIII) // Candollea, 2005. -Vol. 60, № 1. - P. 59-78.
StephensM., Smith N., Donelly P. A new statistical method for haplotype reconstruction from population data. // Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2001. - Vol. 68. - P. 978-989. DOI: 10.1086/319501
Stephens M., Donelly P. A comparison of bayesian methods for haplotype reconstruction from population genotype data // Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2003. - Vol. 73. - P. 1162-1169. DOI: 10.1086/379378
Wen J., Zimmer E. Phylogeny and biogeography of Panax L. (the ginseng genus, Araliaceae): Inferences from ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA // Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 1996. - Vol. 6. - P. 167-177. DOI: 10.1006/mpev.1996.0069
How to Cite
Taxonomy of Potentilla sect. Multifidae in opinion of R. V. Kamelin and J. Sojak: can their opposition be resolved with molecular data? УДК 582.734:575.858 . (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(2), 15-19.