Flora of the “Ust’-Belsk” Natural Park (Udmurt Republic)
УДК 581.93(470.51)
Flora of Udmurtia, native flora, natural park, rare plants, taxonomic analysisAbstract
The article presents the results of the native flora study of the “Ust’-Belsk” Natural Park. The flora is quite rich and includes 588 species of vascular plants from 299 genera and 87 families. This is due to the position of the park territory in the ecotone zone of forest and forest-steppe zones. The territory of the park has 2 clusters located on different banks of the Kama River. Their flora was compared with each other and with the flora of the natural park and the Karakulinsky district as a whole. As a result of taxonomic and ecological-phytocenotic analysis, the zonal position of the studied flora is emphasized. In the course of floristic studies in different years, the growth of 24 rare plant species included in the Red Book of the Udmurt Republic (2012) was recorded on the territory of the “Ust’-Belsk” Natural Park.
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