Analysis of forest cenoflora in the eastern part of the Russian Caucasus
УДК 581.526.42(479)
Forest cenoflora, family, genus, Russian Caucasus, systematic and quantitative compositionAbstract
The article analyzes the systematic composition of the forest cenoflora in the eastern part of the Russian Caucasus, numbering 460 species and 241 genera from 95 families. The largest are indicated (Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Poaceae). The total number of species in these families is 118 (25.7 %). Relatively large families (Orchidaceae, Apiaceae, Cyperaceae) include only 64 (13.9 %) species. Large genera (Carex, Hieracium, Rosa, Viola) contain 50 species (20.74 %) of the forest cenoflora of the eastern part of the Russian Caucasus. Middle genera, numbering from 9 to 5 species, are also few in number, there are ten of them: Viola (9), Veronica (7), Rubus (7), Populus (6), Dryopteris, Sorbus, Corydalis, Acer, Primula, Scrophularia (by 5 types). They account for 59 species (12.8 %). There are 82 oligotypic genera, numbering from 4 to 2 species in the forest cenoflora of the eastern part of the Russian Caucasus (34.0 % of the total number of genera). Of these, 13 genera contain 4 species each, 24 genera - 3 species each and 45 genera - 2 species each. In total, the share of oligotypic genera is 214 species (46.5 %). Consequently, the systematic structure of the forest cenoflora of vascular plants in the eastern part of the Russian Caucasus is heterogeneous, contains all taxa of the rank of a division with a significant dominance of Magnoliophyta (92.2%), other taxa of this rank are represented insignificantly.
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