Genome size and new findings of Potentilla х chemalensis Kechaykin (Rosaceae Juss.) in the Altai flora
УДК 582.734.4:581.95/.961(571.151)
Altai mountain country, Altai Republic, flow cytometry, genome size, intersectional hybridization, ploidyAbstract
New localities of the intersectional hybridogenic species Potentilla х chemalensis for the flora of the Altai Mountain Country are presented. The taxon was described based on collections from the Chemal region of the Altai Republic. The newly discovered records belong to the Ursul river basin in its lower reaches in the Ongudai district. Several plant live specimens were taken from the natural population and introduced to the South-Siberian Botanical Garden. Using the flow cytometry method, for the first time, the genome size and the presumptive ploidy of the genus Potentilla representative were established, which are 2C = 1.30 pg and 2n = 4x (tetraploid), respectively. In addition, new data were obtained on the genome size of the potential parental species of the hybrid - P. tanacetifolia and P. chrysantha.
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