Floral diversity of landfills in the cities of the southern part of Udmurtia

УДК 581.93(470.51)


  • E. N. Bralgina Udmurt University
  • O. G. Baranova Komarov Botanical Institute RAS




Biological invasions, landfills, partial flora, urban flora


The article summarizes the preliminary results of the floristic study of landfill habitats of the cities of Votkinsk, Mozhga and Kambarka. The studies were conducted from 2007 to 2019 by the route method and the method of partial floras. The combined partial flora of landfill habitats is represented by 562 species from 314 genera and 72 families. The partial flora of municipal solid and industrial waste landfills makes the greatest contribution to the floral diversity of landfills. In general, landfill habitats are places of concentration of alien species, increase the adventization of flora, allow new alien species to adapt and gain a foothold. Landfills on the territory of the studied cities make a significant contribution to the formation of urban flora, so the combined partial flora of Mozhga landfills is 45.3 % (443 species) of the entire urban flora, in Votkinsk - 42.4 % (427), and in Kambarka - 31.9 % (341).


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How to Cite

Floral diversity of landfills in the cities of the southern part of Udmurtia: УДК 581.93(470.51) . (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(2), 81-85. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2021124