The experience of floristic zoning of the Putorana plateau
УДК 581.9(235.31)
Cluster Analysis, floristic zoning, Krasnoyarsk region, Putorana plateau, SubarcticAbstract
Floristic zoning of Putorana plateau on the basis of 22 local floras cluster analysis was carried out. The data of 18 more incomplete local floras of this territory were also used. Three floristic clusters were identified - eastern, northwestern and southwestern; as well as a conditionally poorly studied western cluster. In turn, 4 sub-clusters of the lowest level are well distinguished in the eastern cluster. The border between the eastern and western regions runs along the line of the general watershed Yenisei and Pyasina rivers (Kara Sea) and Khatanga river (Laptev Sea). Floras of the identified clusters have a pronounced specificity of their geographic structure. Thus, the predominance of Arctic latitudinal fraction in the eastern region is noticeable, the boreal one - in the northwestern one; increased role of Eurasian longitudinal fraction in the southeast. Differences in the ecological-coenotic structure are also noticeable - the predominance of tundra and mountain species in the eastern cluster, shrub-meadow and boggy - in the northwestern, forest - in the southeastern cluster. In general, the data obtained suggest that the history of the formation of modern floras of the identified areas was different. If the eastern cluster was probably inhabited from the east and north, then the western ones - from the south and west, while their flora is probably younger due to the later release from glaciation and at the present time is more dynamic.
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