Systematic analysis of the flora of the Kabardino-Balkar State Highland Reserve

УДК 502.75(470.64)


  • D. S. Shilnikov High-mountain Nature Reserve of Kabardino-Balkar Republics
  • B. I. Akkiev High-mountain Nature Reserve of Kabardino-Balkar Republics



APG, flora, generic coefficient, Kabardino-Balkaria, nature reserve, systematic analysis


The purpose of this work was not so much to analyze the entire flora of the reserve, taking into account all the species, as to analyze the volume of genera and families, based on the latest data from molecular genetic studies. According to the modern plant classification system APG IV (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group), the flora of the Kab-ardino-Balkar State Highland Reserve includes 1117 species, distributed among 5 departments, 45 orders, 199 families, 414 genera. Of these, the division Lycopodiophyta includes 5 species, Polypodiophyta - 35 species, Pinophyta - 7, Gnetophyta - 1. The class Liliopsida of the division Magnoliophyta includes 228 species, and the class Magnoliopsida - 841 species. The largest families remain Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Orchidaceae. Based on recent changes in the volume of taxa, the largest families, including more than 50 species, of the flora of the reserve are Asteraceae (132 species), Poaceae (94), Rosaceae (61), Fabaceae (59), Cyperaceae (57), and Caryophyllaceae (57). A significant number of species also belong to such families as Apiaceae (40), Lamiaceae (37), Ranunculaceae (36), Brassicaceae (33). The generic coefficient, which shows the ratio of the number of flora species to the number of genera represented, is 2.7 for the flora of the reserve.


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WFO: World Flora Online. Published on the Internet. (Accessed 18 Mart 2021).




How to Cite

Systematic analysis of the flora of the Kabardino-Balkar State Highland Reserve: УДК 502.75(470.64). (2021). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 20(2), 187-195.