Introduced species in the dendroflora of the Kursk Biosphere Station of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
УДК 631.529
Adaptive abilities, introduction, Kursk biosphere station, woody plantsAbstract
For the first time the species composition of 17 woody introduced species of Institute of Kursk Biosphere Station of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences was described. Their sanitary condition, habitual characteristics, generative development, the ability to give increments and renewal ways were investigated. Сonclusions were drawn about the studied trees and shrubs adaptive abilities, as well as about the influence of some of them on the aboriginal dendroflora. It was found that Central Asia and Transcaucasia plants adapt least successfully to the conditions of the south-west of the Kursk region: being planted as fruit trees, they, with a few exceptions, do not bear fruit, and practically do not renew themselves by natural vegetative means. Southern Europe introduced species bear fruit, do not renew by seed, but actively renew themselves vegetatively, therefore, the degree of their adaptation is higher than that of Central Asian woody plants, they can be used as flowering trees and shrubs. North American tree introduced species turned out to be the most well adapted to the conditions of the KBS: they regenerate well vegetatively, many give self-seeding, are able to reproduce uncontrollably, occupy new habitats, so that we can talk not only about complete adaptation, but about acclimatization or even naturalization of some species.
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