Orchidaceae species in the flora of Krasnoyarsk suburban pine cenoses
УДК 582.594.4+504(571.51)
Age structure, flora, occurrence, Orchidaceae, pine cenosisAbstract
The Orchid species cenopopulations (Cypripedium calceolus, C. macranthon, C. guttatum, Neottianthe cucullata) growing in Krasnoyarsk suburban pine cenoses at the forest-steppe were studied. Orchid species are included in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The investigation objectives are Orchid species occurrence studying and population’s age structure determining in the Krasnoyarsk suburban pine cenoses, both under recreational load and in control. The results of the four species occurrence dynamics at the period 2017-2021 in the control cenosis and cenoses under the anthropogenic influence are presented. In the studied period, the Neottianthe cucullata occurrence did not change, regardless of the level of recreational impact. This species blooms in August, when the recreant’s activity decreases, which can explain its numbers preservation at the same level. The Cypripedium occurrence dynamics depends on the degree of recreational impact. As a result of the ontogenetic analysis, the populations of Neottianthe cucullata, Cypripedium macranthon, and C. guttatum in the control sample area belong to the middle-aged normal complete populations. Populations of Neottianthe cucullata, Cypripedium macranthon, C. calceolus in suburban pine cenoses under the recreational impact should be classified as middle-aged normal incomplete.
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