Influence of abiotic environmental factors on the growth of shoots of Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb. in the Crimean Mountains

УДК 582.477+58.02(477.75)


  • O. O. Keronkova Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Science Center of the Russian Academy of Science



Abiotic factors, forest conditions, Juniperus excels, population, shoot growth


The article presents the results of studying the seasonal growth of Juniperus excelsa shoots according to abiotic factors, including features of weather and orographic conditions of growth. It has been established that the growth of juniper vegetative organs is most significantly affected by the amount of precipitation in the period from February to June. The maximum growth of shoots (5.29 cm) was noted in 2021, which was characterized by an increased amount of precipitation, the amount of which ranged from 322 mm to 437 mm. In the western part of the plantations of the Crimean Mountains, the annual increase is higher in comparison with the central and eastern ones. The degree of influence of orographic factors was determined. It has been established that influence of elevation is 43 %; in dry years, the intensity of the influence of this factor decreases. The relationship between the annual increase in shoots of J. excelsa and the indicators of soil conditions and slope exposure was revealed. The maximum growth (3.6 cm) was noted on the trial plots with B1 edatope, the minimum (2.3 cm) on B0 and C1. On slopes with eastern and southwestern exposures, the increase is higher compared to other exposures.


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How to Cite

Influence of abiotic environmental factors on the growth of shoots of Juniperus excelsa M.-Bieb. in the Crimean Mountains: УДК 582.477+58.02(477.75) . (2022). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 21(1), 86-89.