Changes in sizes of mesophyll cells underlies the adaptation of Betula platyphylla Sukacz. leaf to increased climate aridity
УДК 633.878.4:581.132
Adaptation, Betula platyphylla, climate aridity, leaf parameter, mesophyll cells sizesAbstract
Climate changes in Central Asia attract increasing attention to studies in successions, ecosystem transformations and plant adaptation. Functional mechanisms of plant adaptation are related to the changes in leaf structure, first of all, the architecture of carbon-assimilating tissues. We studied leaf mesophyll structure of Betula platyphylla Sukacz. from geographical regions in the southern part of East Siberia and Mongolia with different climate aridity. Birch populations represented a latitudinal range from the middle taiga to the forest-steppe. According our results changes in mesophyll structure occurred along the aridity gradient, which manifested in a significant decrease (by 38-40 %) in cell sizes and an increase in surface area and volume ratio of mesophyll. Such rearrangement of mesophyll structure provides a higher rate of intraleaf diffusion of CO2 and the maintenance of high level of photosynthesis under water deficiency. We concluded that changes in the sizes of carbon-assimilating cells which underlies the restructuring of leaf three-dimensional organization provides regulation of gas exchange, and is a key mechanism for the adaptation of the photosynthetic function of Betula platyphylla to increased aridity of the climate.
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