Feather grass (Stipa pennata L., Poaceae Barnh.) on the northern border of its natural area in Nizhegorod region

УДК 581.9+582.542.1(470.341)


  • I. L. Mininzon Botanical garden of Nizhegorod State Lobachevsky University




Factors of border configuration, micro-climate factor, Nizhegorod region, north border of natural area, Stipa pennata L. (Poaceae Barnh.)


The article touches the problem of borders of plant species natural areas. The purpose of article is analysis of spreading Stipa pennata L. ( Poaceae Barnh.) by means of comparison configuration the north border in Nizhegorod region with physical-geographic borders, soils, vegetations, climate and economical activity of population. Noted, that the configuration of the species north border (approximately 56° N.L.) in Nizhegorod region are defined by soil-edaphic conditions (chernozem, gray forest soil, moderate moisture and warm climate), vegetation of this and surrounding regions and areas after the deforestation . Forest degradation creates favorable phytocenosics conditions for Stipa. This configuration approximately coincidence with part of General Landscape Border of Russian plane on Nizhegorod region. It was ascertained, that this species location on the north slopes of bank of the Volga River might be explained by local micro-climate. In these places, spring is late and new sprouts of plants emerged later after spring frosts.


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How to Cite

Feather grass (Stipa pennata L., Poaceae Barnh.) on the northern border of its natural area in Nizhegorod region: УДК 581.9+582.542.1(470.341). (2022). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 21(1), 117-119. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2022025