The class of broad-leaved forests (Carpino-Fagetea Jakucs ex Passarge 1968) in the Colchis
УДК 581.526.422.3+630*22:577.19(479)
Braun-Blanquet method, broad-leaved forests, Caucasus, classification, prodromusAbstract
Mesic broad-leaved forests occupy a central place in the vegetation cover of Colchis. According to the Braun-Blanque classification system, they belong to the class Carpino-Fagetea Jakucs ex Passarge 1968. The purpose of the study is to present an overview of the classification of mesic broad-leaved forests of Colchis in the form of a synopsis of syntaxa based on an analysis of the existing concepts of higher categories of vegetation currently accepted in Europe and Asia Minor. In accordance with the classification of forests and developed Prodromus, all mesic broad-leaved forests widespread in the Western Caucasus mountain system belong to the class Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae Jakucs ex Passarge 1968, which contains 2 orders of 5 alliances and 25 associations. The existing concept of this class at the hierarchical levels of alliances-orders represents the largest altitudinal patterns of division of the broad-leaved forests into two subbelts: the upper one is dominated by beech forests of the order Rhododendro pontici-Fagetalia orientalis Passarge 1981 (alliances Fagion orientalis Soo 1964, Alnion barbatae Quezel et al 1992) and lower one is dominated by oak and hornbeam forests of the order Lathyro-Carpinetalia caucasicae Passarge 1981 (alliances Crataego-Carpinion caucasicae Passarge 1981, Astran-tio-Carpinion caucasicae Passarge 1981, Castaneo sativae-Carpinion orientalis Quezel et al. 1992). At the levels of alliances and associations, more particular patterns of altitudinal differentiation of forests within the main subbelts, as well as their edaphotopic differences were reflected.
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