Protected species of the family Liliaceae Juss. on the territory of the Altai Mountain Country
УДК 582.572.2(235.222/.226)
Altai mountainous country, ecology, Liliaceae Juss, red book, taxonomyAbstract
Species of the family are predominantly flowering plants. In this regard, populations suffer not only from grazing, haymaking, economic development of land, but also from the collection of flowers and bulbs for bouquets and sale. To assess the proportion of rare and endemic species of the family, an analysis of the red books of Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Russia and its subjects included in the territory of the Altai mountainous country was carried out. A table has been compiled indicating the categories of rarity for each protected species. Almost half of the species of the Liliaceae family in the territory of the AMC have a conservation status, a third of which are endemic. The DIVA-GIS 7.5 program was used to map and analyze the data on the distribution of representatives of the Liliaceae family in the botanical and geographical regions of the AMC. Maps were compiled based on the inventory of the ALTB, NS (NSK), MW, E, CAS, PE, B, and G collections. Also, as part of the study, 54 sheets of species of the genus Gagea were digitized with subsequent integration into GBIF. It is necessary to comprehensively study the species, their exact ranges and take immediate measures to conserve taxa that are in the rarity category 1 (endangered) and 2 (vulnerable).
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