Presence of RBDV-resistant associated markers within raspberry cultivars from Siberian and Uralian breeding programs
УДК 582.734.4:575.1+634.711:631.523.11
Berry crops, marker-assisted selection, MAS, molecular screening, resistance, Rubus idaeus, RBDVAbstract
Raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) is one of the most harmful viruses infecting raspberry and cause significant reduction of harvest. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) may help in breeding RBDV-resistant cultivars. At present some molecular markers distinguishing resistant and susceptible cultivars with high accuracy have been developed. In our research screening of raspberry cultivars from siberian and uralian breeding programs was carried out by two markers - rasp_N_gene_1202 and BC615_553_Alu I. It is found out that 7 of 28 cultivars have bands associated with resistance to RBDV. These are ‘Avrora, ‘Za zdravie, ‘Ogonek, ‘Rubinovaya, ‘Fantaziya, ‘Vysokaya, ‘Muza’ and ‘Arochnaya, They have different origin and wild and cultivated relatives of red raspberry was within their ancestors. This research is just only molecular-genetic assessmnent of potential sources for resistance to RBDV within raspberry cultivars from siberian and uralian breeding programs and its results need in additional checking. However, the obtained data may help in further researches of RBDV-resistance and also in breeding of new cultivars.
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