Vitality of alasic cenopopulations of Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link

УДК 582.542.11:581.522.4+633.289(571.56)


  • K. V. Kardashevskaya North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosova
  • V. E. Kardashevskaya North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosova



Cenopopulation, classes of vitality, Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link, upper, middle, lower belt of alas, vitality index of cenopopulations (IVC), vital structure


The vital structure of cenopopulations (CP) is one of the main indicators of the state of the CP, which really reflects vitality and resistance to stress. In 2020-2021, the vital structure of the CP of polycarpic, rhizomatous-friable grass Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link, one of the dominants and important resource components of the alasny meadows in the Churapchinsky district of Yakutia, was studied. 32 morphological parameters of generative individuals were studied. The repetition by individuals in each CP is 30-fold. The assessment of the vitality of individuals and the CP as a whole was carried out according to the method of Yu. A. Zlobin, supplemented by A. R. Ishbirdin and M. M. Ishmuratov. Individuals of the CP of the аЫ middle belt have parameter values lower than those of the CP of the lower belt, but higher than in the CP of the upper belt of the аЫ. Studies established that in the CP of the species there are individuals of all three classes of vitality: a-higher, b-middle and c-lower. In general, over the years of research, the vital structure of the аЫ CP of the Churapchinsky district has undergone some changes. The middle class of vitality and a thriving type of cenopopulation prevail. The species is adapted to the limited soil and climatic resources of the alas, but is most viable in the lower belts of the alas. The vital state of the CP is affected by the position of the CP in a certain zone of alas and the moisture content of the year.


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How to Cite

Vitality of alasic cenopopulations of Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link: УДК 582.542.11:581.522.4+633.289(571.56). (2022). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 21(2), 64-68.

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