Intra-landscape differentiation of vegetation cover of the mountain cryolithozone of Northern Transbaikalia
УДК 581.9+58.03(23.03)(1-925.16)
Differentiation of vegetation cover, Kodar ridge, mountain cryolithozone, Northern Transbaikalia, phytoindication of permafrost landscapes, Verkhnecharskaya basinAbstract
In this paper, the intra-landscape differentiation of vegetation cover within the representative areas of the Verkhnecharsky basin and the Kodar ridge, which are part of the high-altitude cryolithozone of Northern Transbaikalia, is considered. Based on the results of field and remote observations, the main factors affecting the distribution and condition of vegetation cover within heterogeneous landscape tracts have been identified. On the basis of geosystem approach, the regularity of the redistribution of the main types of vegetation depending on the existing permafrost landscape situation in the basin and highland areas is analyzed. The conducted research can serve as an environmental basis for the organization of environmental monitoring and indication of the state of permafrost mountain landscapes in connection with the current climate change and active economic development of the region.
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