The role of the Pamir Botanical Garden in the enrichment of the assortments of conifers in the Western Pamirs
УДК 582.475+58.006+633.877(235.211)
Assortment, conifers, cuttings, perspective of use, Western PamirsAbstract
This article presents some results of cuttings of coniferous plants in the conditions of the Western Pamirs, on the example of the Pamir Botanical Garden, as well as enriching the range and prospects for their use. Since under natural conditions, the diversity of conifers in the Pamirs is very small and mainly species of the juniper genus grow here, in the Pamir Botanical Garden, for many years, research has been carried out to study the introduced coniferous plants and their adaptation to the conditions of this territory. In the course of the study on introduction, the optimal cutting time was determined for species of spruce, biota and others. It is shown that the spring period of grafting in comparison with the summer period is the most optimal for the conditions of the Western Pamirs. It was determined that western thuja (Thuja occidentalis) has a very good percentage of survival (60 %) compared with prickly spruce and European spruce, which are inferior to it by 15-20 %. The article also gives a brief description of conifers that have already been acclimatized in the conditions of the Western Pamirs and there is a prospect of their use for landscaping and soil protection in different parts of this territory. These include species of the genus biota, thuja, spruce and others.
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