Damage dynamics of introduced trees from the genus Prunus L. by Eriophyes padi Nal. in the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden Institute

УДК 582.734.6:581.5+581.2(470.21)


  • I. N. Lipponen Polar Alpine Botanical Garden Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • N. S. Rak Polar Alpine Botanical Garden Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences




Bird cherry, collection of woody plants, gall mite, introduction, formation gall, Kola Peninsula


Despite the harsh climatic conditions of growth, introduced bird cherry samples in the collection of the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden Institute (Kirovsk and Apatity, Murmansk region) are quite life-saving highly ornamental flowering and fruiting plants, however, Eriophyes padi Nal. (Phytoptus padi Nal.) has a effect on the preservation of bird cherry plants in the PABSI collection is a bird cherry gall mite that causes the formation of galls on the leaves of the plant, as a result of which the crown loses its decorative effect. However, the plants bloom and bear fruit. The article presents the results of observations of Eriophyes padi Nal., the dynamics of crown damage and leaf blade damage for introduced species of Prunus padus L., P. padus L. ssp. borealis (Schubeler) Cajander, and P padus L. f. colorata Almquist. The greatest proportion of damage is observed in P. padus f. colorata. Regular observations made it possible to note that not for all types of bird cherry plants, gallo formation occurs during leaf growth, as previously assumed. Trial chemical treatments (20192020) by irrigation under the root of affected plants against E. padi - with broad-spectrum drugs “Danadin” and “Aliot” (in a concentration of 0.2 % working solution) and biochemical insecticide “Kleschevit” (1.0 %) reliably indicate the high effectiveness of pesticides: “Aliot” (98 %) against E. padi.


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How to Cite

Damage dynamics of introduced trees from the genus Prunus L. by Eriophyes padi Nal. in the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden Institute: УДК 582.734.6:581.5+581.2(470.21) . (2022). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 21(2), 105-110. https://doi.org/10.14258/pbssm.2022063