New growth locations of Artemisia sieversiana Willd. in the Western Pamir
УДК 582.998.2:581.93(575.3)
Artemisia sieversiana, floristic findings, Western PamirAbstract
The article presents data on the place of growth of Artemisia sieversiana Willd. in the Western Pamirs, previously unpublished. This medicinal plant is well known to the locals of the area and is widely used in folk medicine. Some literature shows a limited distribution of this species, however, the plant has a wider distribution in the Western Pamirs. During our studies on the study of the habitat of A. sieversiana in the Western Pamirs, 11 new localities of this species were found, 6 of which belong to the Shugnan and 5 to the Ishkashim regions. During expeditionary research, we found that A. sieversiana is widespread in many villages of Porshinev. It can be found in the villages of Barchid, Midenshor, Tishor, Ji-ruj, etc. In the Gund valley of the Shugnan region, it can be found in the villages of Charsem and Sardem. Also in the Ish-kashim region, the plant grows in the villages of Kozideh, Yakhshvol, Boypar, Ratm and Yamchun. which refers to the new localities of this species in the Western Pamirs. In the Roshtkala district of the A. sieversiana, it grows from 2100 to 3840 m above sea level in the river valley, in gardens and near residential areas.
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