Arealogical structure of flower-ornamental plants of the cultural flora of the Karshi oasis
УДК 581.93(575.1)
Flora, floristic areas, flower-ornamental plants, introduction, limiting factorAbstract
The article presents the results of botanical and geographical analysis of the cultivated flora of the Karshi oasis. It was revealed that the assortment of flower and ornamental plants of the cultivated flora of the Karshi oasis consists of 41 species. The largest number of species comes from the Caribbean (24.3 %), Mediterranean (19.5 %), Brazilian (14.6 %) and Atlantic-North American (14.6 %) floristic regions. It has been established that xerophilic representatives of the arid regions of North America and the Mediterranean region are promising for the Karshi oasis. For a successful culture of representatives of Caribbean and Brazilian origin, it is recommended to use a seedling method of growing and plant them in open ground as early as possible.
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Plants of the World Online. URL: (accessed 10 April 2022)