Variability in size and shape of polylobed leaf phytoliths in three populations of Dactylis glomerata L.

УДК 582.542.1:581.8+581.55(571.150)


  • M. Yu. Solomonova Altai State University
  • S. D. Kotov Altai State University



Dactylis glomerata, epidermis, morphometry, polylobed particles, phytoliths, short cells


The article presents the results of morphometric study of polylobed trapeziform phytoliths of the leaf epidermis of Dactylis glomerata. The relevance of the study lies in the difficulty of establishing the limit of phytolith variability when using morphometry for paleoecological purposes. The studies were performed according to the recommendations of the International Committee for Phytolith Morphometry using the ImageJ software and its PhytolithsBatch plugin. For the first time, the characteristics of the parameters of the size and shape of polylobed trapeziform phytoliths are given. Previously, the study of these particles was not carried out due to their absence in cultivated cereals. The variability of the studied particles within populations and between representatives of individual populations is considered. The length of the phytolith and related indicators are subject to the greatest variability, the width and inscribed radius are the most stable.


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How to Cite

Variability in size and shape of polylobed leaf phytoliths in three populations of Dactylis glomerata L.: УДК 582.542.1:581.8+581.55(571.150). (2022). Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 21(2), 183-186.