development program, corporation, corporate governance model, export of capital, institutions, structural policy, undistributed profits, Schumpetirian rent, stakeholders, systemic economyAbstract
The paper discusses the problems of the formation and development of corporate business organization in solving the problems of economic growth in Russia. Modern corporations of developed countries, possessing huge tangible and non-tangible assets, human capital and advanced technologies, are essentially the main drivers of economic development. By constantly investing significant amounts of capital in the creation of innovative products, corporations play a leading role, both in existing markets, and create new ones, receiving not only average industry profits, but also rents. Large corporations play a special role in national economies, since it is they who practically implement scientific and technological progress, create jobs, provide orders to small and medium enterprises, and make a significant contribution to the country’s GDP and significant tax revenues. Creating conditions for the emergence and development of large corporations in Russia is an urgent task, including for the implementation of national projects and economic growth programs, the implementation of which until now has been hampered by the inadequate organization of the national economy.
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