УДК 332.1:312 (470)
trends, quality of life, innovative growth, competitiveness, intellectual potentialAbstract
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the problem of state management of the quality of lifeof the population in the country causes the need for some adjustment. This is due to the low standard of living of certain segments of the population than in the developed countries of the world. It is established that the population is decreasing every year due to unfavorable environmental and other living enoditims, as well as increased migration of residents to other states. Along with this, imported products occupy a significant niche in the country’s economy, especially dairy and meat products, which reduces the growth rate of agro — industrial organizations and the level of economic security of the country.
Another problems is the insufficient development of infrastructure in the regions and the small number of modern domestic plants for the production of innovative, knowledge-intensive means of production. These problems reduce the quality of the country’s human potential and cause the need to increase state financial capital for the reproduction of high-tech technologies. The validity of the topic is also due to the low innovative level of production of the subjects of the country’s industries, a significant proportion of obsolete means of labor, which causes a high labor intensity of manufactured goods in comparison with developed countries.
During this period, the quality of food products is regulated in Russia according by technical conditions, and therefore does not meet international requirements. The manufactured products are characterized by low competitiveness, which necessitates accelerated innovative development and the introduction of digitalization processes in specific industries.
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