Regularities of Deformation and Acoustic Emission in AMg6 Alloy


  • С.В. Макаров Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
  • М.В. Лысиков Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
  • Е.А. Колубаев Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk, Russia); National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia)
  • В.А. Плотников Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia); Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk, Russia)



acoustic emission, non-isothermal cycles, thermomechanical loading, plastic deformation, high-temperature and low-temperature deformation, deformation racing, pulses of acoustic emission


We investigate regularities of deformation behavior and acoustic emission in AMg6 alloy under thermomechanical loading performed by method of cycles. The loading in a cycle is carried out by non-isothermal, continuous heating from 25°C up to 500°C. Mechanical stress in the cycle remains constant with further 10 MPa increase in a subsequent cycle. We provide a real-time recording of values of the following quantities: Vrms acoustic emission (μv); strain (%); temperature (T). We demonstrate that under complex thermomechanical loading, features of AMg6 alloy deformation behavior manifest themselves in two temperature intervals characterized by different strain rates. In the low-temperature area, the accumulation of low rate strain corresponds to monotonous low-amplitude acoustic emission. It indicates a low correlation of elementary deformation acts. In the high-temperature area, rapid accumulation of strain corresponds to fast monotonous growth of high-amplitude acoustic emission that leads to a global macro-jump. Such deformation behavior indicates a high correlation of elementary deformation acts.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)1.1-04


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How to Cite

Regularities of Deformation and Acoustic Emission in AMg6 Alloy. (2017). Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1/1(85).

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