Structural Condition of Detonation Nanodiamonds under High Pressure High Temperature Sintering


  • В.А. Плотников Altai State University; Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
  • Д.Г. Богданов Altai State University
  • А.С. Богданов Altai State University
  • С.В. Макаров Altai State University
  • В.Г. Винс VELMAN LCC



detonation nanodiamond, impurity atoms, impurity concentration, high pressure high temperature sintering


The experimental results of investigation of nanostructured diamond materials obtained by high-pressure high-temperature sintering of detonation nanodiamonds are presented. High-pressure high-temperature sintering of diamond nanoparticles provides solid polycrystalline aggregates. The value of polycrystalline aggregate microhardness was 9,1 GPa. Sintering of detonation nanodiamonds at the pressure of 5 GPa and the temperature of 1100-1200°C reduces the concentration of impurity atoms. Sintering is accompanied by a small growth of nanoparticles from 4,5 nm to 5,2 nm. It is demonstrated that the decrease in a concentration of impurity atoms is a result of temperature and pressure effects on detonation nanodiamonds. In conclusion, the assumption is made that this effect is associated with an increase of impurity atoms diffusion mobility and the formation of areas of impurity atoms excessive concentration. The formation of such areas reduces the impurity concentration on the borders of the diamond cores.


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How to Cite

Structural Condition of Detonation Nanodiamonds under High Pressure High Temperature Sintering. (2017). Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1(93).

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