Evaluation of Trophic Status of Freshwater Lakes in Altai Krai in 2013–2016 with Hydro-Optical Characteristics


  • И.А. Суторихин Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the RAS; Altai State University
  • О.Б. Акулова Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
  • В.И. Букатый Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
  • И.М. Фроленков Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the RAS




lakes, trophicity, light attenuation coefficient, chlorophyll, water transparency by Secchi disk, phosphorus


The paper deals with methods for trophic status evaluation of freshwater lakes in Altai Krai, because the main indicator of pollution is linked with physical-chemical and biological indicators. The evaluation is usually based on quantitative dependences of water biological productivity on mineral nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) content that has a decisive influence on the development and photosynthesis of phytoplankton. The analysis of the research data on three different types of lakes (Lapa, Krasilovskoye and Bolshoye Ostrovnoye) obtained in 2013-2016 suggests that one can use an integral characteristic, i.e. spectral light attenuation ε(λ) for trophic status evaluation (along with the Carlson's trophic index). For instance, ε(λ) values within 0-2 m-1 - correspond to oligotrophic type of water bodies, from 2 to 3 m-1 - to mesotrophic, from 3 to 23 m-1 - to eutrophic, from 23 m-1 and more - to hyper eutrophic ones. According to calculations, Lake Lapa is referred to eutrophic, Lake Krasilovskoye - to eutrophic and hyper eutrophic, and Lake Bolshoye Ostrovnoye - to hyper eutrophic ones.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of Trophic Status of Freshwater Lakes in Altai Krai in 2013–2016 with Hydro-Optical Characteristics. (2017). Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1(93). https://doi.org/10.14258/izvasu(2017)1-10

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