Signs and symbols as a critical art issue (Знак и символ как искусствоведческая проблема)
Ключевые слова:
Символ, symbol, знак, sign, традиционное искусство Казахстана, traditional art of KazakhstanАннотация
Essence of definitions of “symbol” and “sign” is being uncovered in this article; analysis of common semantic structure of a symbol is conducted. The authors concludes that imaginary-signed form possesses wide specter of meaning, reflecting the world in unity of sensitive, emotional and rational; conscious and unconscious; common, special and unique (Раскрывается сущность понятий «символ» и «знак», проводится анализ общесмысловой структуры символа. Авторы приходят к выводу, что образно-знаковая форма имеет широкий спектр значения, отражая мир в единстве чувственного, эмоционального и рационального; сознательного и бессознательного; общего, особенного и единичного).
Библиографические ссылки
Контекст: ...These are ancient symbols, symbols of Indian mythology, symbols and mythology of Ancient Greeks, symbols of Christianity, symbols of fairy tales, astrological symbols, and symbols of alchemy, symbols of tarot cards and symbols of everyday life [1]...
2. Голлан А. Миф и символ. М., 1993.
Контекст: ...According to several authoritative scientists “art of thinking in images” is a fundamental basis of creative thinking and actions [2]...
...The brightest representatives of this direction in Russian sources are A. Golan [2] and O. Suleimenov [3]...
3. Иванов С.В. Орнамент народов Сибири как исторический источник. М.; Л., 1963.
Контекст: ...The brightest representatives of this direction in Russian sources are A. Golan [2] and O. Suleimenov [3]...
...Thus, as it is noticed by researcher of ornament S. Ivanov, “folk ornament represents rather steady element of artistic culture, preserved during many centuries and even millennia” [3, 113, p.23]...
4. Сулейменов О.О. Язык письма. Алматы; Рим, 1998.
Контекст: ...Transformation of graphemes of the given sign and its meaning are tightly linked with cult of the Sun among different ancient folks, considered by the author in wide temporary and geographical areal [4, 112]...
5. Фрезер Дж. Дж. Золотая ветвь: исследование магии и религии. М.,
Контекст: ...Representatives of the idea, presented above, are J. Frazer and V. Toporov [5, p.32]...