Art education in the XXI century: modern trends, tendency and challenges (on Kazakhstan examples)
Юнеско, художественное образование, нематериальное культурное наследие, Казахстан, женские ремесла, Unesco, art education, intangible cultural heritage, Kazakhstan, women's craftsAbstract
Since joining UNESCO on 22 may 1992, Kazakhstan has pursued an active policy of strengthening cooperation with this international organization. During this time, Kazakhstan has become a party to many of its international conventions, including the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. The purpose of this article is to clarify the role functions of women in the preservation and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage of Kazakhstan in formal and non-formal art education on the example of women’s crafts. The authors analyzed foreign and domestic scientific and pedagogical literature in the field of integration of intangible cultural heritage and art education. In addition to the study of scientific and pedagogical theory, the study was based on the analysis of the practice of Kazakhstan’s formal and non-formal art education in the context of which the materials were collected.
Контекст: ...The result of this large-scale event was the “Roadmap of art education”, which was developed in order to contribute to “understanding the importance of art education for building a creatively oriented and culturally educated society” [1, p.4]...
...program that takes into account local conditions as well as the interests and inclinations of students; respect for and interaction with local communities and cultures; prepared and motivated teachers [1, p. 8]...
...Art education raises awareness of culture and promotes cultural practice, and is also the means by which knowledge and understanding of art and culture is transmitted from one generation to another [1, p. 9]...
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Контекст: ...In the field of integration of intangible cultural heritage and educational practice, the works of such researchers as E. Yalginkaya [2] are highlighted, which studies the opinion of students and teachers about intangible cultural heritage; A.Denes et al. [3], who consider the educational approaches of the field school of intangible cultural heritage on the basis of the...
3. Denes A., Koanantakool P.C., Davis P., Kreps C.F., Hennessy K., Alivizatou М., Stefano M.L. Critical Reflections on Safeguarding Culture: The Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School in Lamphun, Thailand // Journal Heritage & Society. 2013. Vol. 6. Issue 1.
Контекст: ...In the field of integration of intangible cultural heritage and educational practice, the works of such researchers as E. Yalginkaya [2] are highlighted, which studies the opinion of students and teachers about intangible cultural heritage; A.Denes et al. [3], who consider the educational approaches of the field school of intangible cultural heritage on the basis of the Lamphun Museum in Thailand; and C. Karadeniz and Z. Cildir [4] explore the problems of training future teachers of the intangible cultural heritage of the...
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Контекст: ...heritage; A.Denes et al. [3], who consider the educational approaches of the field school of intangible cultural heritage on the basis of the Lamphun Museum in Thailand; and C. Karadeniz and Z. Cildir [4] explore the problems of training future teachers of the intangible cultural heritage of the Turkish Republic on the basis of museum pedagogy...
5. Международная Конвенция об охране нематериального культурного наследия. Париж, 2003 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http: //unesdoc.unesco. org/images/0013/001325/132540r.pdf.
Контекст: ...This is not surprising, since the term “intangible cultural heritage” was officially introduced into scientific circulation by the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage [5] in 2003...
6. Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Efforts in the Asia-Pacific. Field Survey Report. International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO / Muzafarov R., Yessenova K., Kairbekov B. Seoul, South Korea, 2012.
Контекст: ...As part of the planned work in 2012, a group of Kazakhstani experts prepared a scientific analytical review of the intangible cultural heritage of Kazakhstan [6] under the auspices of the ICHCAP (Seoul, South Korea)...
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Контекст: ...Conceptual ideas on the introduction of intangible cultural heritage in the content of school, university and postgraduate education in Kazakhstan are reflected in publications [7; 8; 9] in the named ICHCAP project (South Korea, Seoul) and were tested at a regional symposium of experts on intangible cultural heritage in Bangkok (2015)...
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Контекст: ...Conceptual ideas on the introduction of intangible cultural heritage in the content of school, university and postgraduate education in Kazakhstan are reflected in publications [7; 8; 9] in the named ICHCAP project (South Korea, Seoul) and were tested at a regional symposium of experts on intangible cultural heritage in Bangkok (2015)...
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Контекст: ...Conceptual ideas on the introduction of intangible cultural heritage in the content of school, university and postgraduate education in Kazakhstan are reflected in publications [7; 8; 9] in the named ICHCAP project (South Korea, Seoul) and were tested at a regional symposium of experts on intangible cultural heritage in Bangkok (2015)...
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Контекст: ...In unison with these thoughts, the words of the Russian researcher L.V. Namrueva [10], who notes that “the education system is the main institution of ethnic socialization, which builds an effective system of cultural revival...
...For the most part, it is represented by female educators, it is they who create the conditions for the best perception of the elements of ethnic culture, the formation of young national identity” [10, p. 39]...
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Контекст: ...Unlike Kazakhstan's people, ethnic Kazakhs of Mongolia, Mountain Altai, China, Uzbekistan still retain some unique forms of traditional artistic creativity and methods of its transmission [11; 12]...
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Контекст: ...Unlike Kazakhstan's people, ethnic Kazakhs of Mongolia, Mountain Altai, China, Uzbekistan still retain some unique forms of traditional artistic creativity and methods of its transmission [11; 12]...
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Контекст: ...In this context, experts note that “educational and cultural systems function independently of each other, which leads to the isolation of artistic education, and creative workers in general often do not participate in the educational process” [13, p. 27]...