Main Article Content
The article discusses the principles of innovative development, the possibility of their application in the work of educational organizations and the impact on the processes of creating and implementing innovations on the example of the Regional Autonomous Institution of Education “Altai Institute of Digital Technologies and Assessment of the Quality of Education”, the article also offers recommendations for their improvement. The author outlines the areas of implementation of innovations in an educational organization, identifies the main problems and limitations of the implementation of innovative digital solutions.
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How to Cite
INNOVATIONS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: JEL: O30, O38, O39. УДК 338. (2021). Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 14(2), 14-18.
Управление организацией в инновационной экономике
How to Cite
INNOVATIONS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: JEL: O30, O38, O39. УДК 338. (2021). Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 14(2), 14-18.
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