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Yulianа A. Kvitchuk
Alexandr A. Lukin
Margarita V. Zotova


Marketing research of the market and effective planning make it possible to rationally use the production potential and resources of the organization, ensuring the achievement of its strategic goals. End-to-end planning with a focus on reaching the strategic indicators of enterprise management, using the method of calendar-operational planning in the short term, using the example of an oil plant, proves the effectiveness of the approach for optimizing production and intensification.

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How to Cite
PLANNING AS A WAY TO ACHIEVE THE STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE ORGANIZATION: УДК: 338 JEL: 23. (2022). Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 15(1), 44-52.
Методы и инструменты стратегического управления организацией
Author Biographies

Yulianа A. Kvitchuk, Altai State University

Master's student, Altai State University, Russia, Barnaul

Alexandr A. Lukin, Altai State University

Master's student, Altai State University, Russia, Barnaul

Margarita V. Zotova, Grilnitsa fast food chain

HR Manager, Grilnitsa fast food chain, Russia, Barnaul

How to Cite

PLANNING AS A WAY TO ACHIEVE THE STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE ORGANIZATION: УДК: 338 JEL: 23. (2022). Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 15(1), 44-52.


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