On the History of Acquaintance of English-Speaking Readers with N. Gogol`'s Poem Dead Souls
English-speaking world, Russian literature, the poem by N. Gogol, translations into English, awareness and perception, plagiarismAbstract
The article deals with the research of the English-speaking world awareness of N. Gogol`s works. The purpose of the article is to consider the process of the first acquaintance of English-speaking readers with the novel Dead Souls. The material under analysis includes articles from English-language journals of the period under study, as well as diary notes and some introductions to translations. The author describes several stages of the discussion about the authorship of the book Home Life in Russia, published in 1854, which was an illegal translation of the novel Dead Souls. The article contains a review of English-language sources (before the year of 1886), in which references to the poem Dead Souls were found. The author of the article draws attention to the perception of Gogol`s works by English-speaking audience and offers some reviews of it, given by translators, critics, writers, scientists – members of the English-speaking society who were interested in Russia and the Russian literature at that time.
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Graham S. Introduction // Dead souls, by N.V. Gogol: tr. by S. Graham., London, 1915.
Hapgood I.F. Nikolai Vasilievitch Gogol // A Library of the World`s Best Literature Ancient and Modern, ed. by Ch.D. Warner. N.Y., 1896. Vol. XVI.
Home life in Russia, by a Russian Noble, revised by the editor of «Revelations of Siberia», in 2 vols. London, 1854.
Lefevre, C. Gogol and Anglo-Russian Literary Relationship during the Crimean War // ASEER. 1949.
Modern Russian Literature // Ecleсtic Magazine of foreign literature, science and art. 1855. Vol. XXXIV.
Morfill W.R. Russia. London, 1880.
Russian at Home – Past and Present // British Quarterly Review. 1855. Vol. XXI.
Russian Chit Chat; or, Sketches of Residence in Russia, by a Lady, edited by her sister. London, Coventry, 1856.
Russian Literature // The Westminster Review. 1877. Vol. LII. London.
The problem of life in the Russian novel. Lecture 1. The Russian soil and Nokolai Gogol. // The Rice Institute Pamphlet. Lectures on Russian Literature. Texas, 1917. Vol. 4. № 2.
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