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E. A. Avazov


In the historiography of the history of Kyrgyzstan and other post-Soviet republics at different times, the Andijan uprising of 1898 in the Fergana Valley was interpreted ambiguously. The pre-revolutionary of the uprising closely reflected the policy of the authorities, was directly connected. The administrative circles of the Russian Empire declared this event as a «gazavat», in Soviet historical literature as another popular movement against the tsarist government, in the post-Soviet period as a national liberation movement, etc. In this article we will try to review historiography and analyze different interpretations of the pre-revolutionary. The article provides a detailed description of the historiography of the problem, the change in direction, and the content of its study, identifies the leading trends, results and defines the prospects for the further development of the historiography of the history of the Andijan uprising of 1898. An essential sign of the scientific novelty of the article is the rethinking and disclosure of poorly illuminated aspects in the historiography of the Andijan uprising of 1898, for example, the presence of religious fanaticism and the use of the Islamic factor.

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How to Cite
2021. АНДИЖАНСКОЕ ВОССТАНИЕ 1898 ГОДА: ОСНОВНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ДИСКУССИИ И В ИСТОРИОГРАФИИ ДОРЕВОЛЮЦИОННОЙ ЭПОХИ. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 10 (Aug. 2021), 25–33.

How to Cite

2021. АНДИЖАНСКОЕ ВОССТАНИЕ 1898 ГОДА: ОСНОВНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ДИСКУССИИ И В ИСТОРИОГРАФИИ ДОРЕВОЛЮЦИОННОЙ ЭПОХИ. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 10 (Aug. 2021), 25–33.


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