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M. A. Grishanova


In this work, the author would like to analyze the evolution of social capital as a term of scientific knowledge within the framework of the humanities. Trust and the strength of interactions in society are always the main foundation for the formation of social capital. In the process of complication of public relations, interrelationships in society were transformed and developed, going beyond territorial and national affiliation and today reaching global proportions. The development of modern information technologies served as an impetus for the modernization and expansion of the influence of social capital on many processes taking place in the world. The interconnection and interpenetration of human capital into social capital in the information space is growing. The vector of movement and development of social capital, within the rapidly changing picture of the world, is important for predicting the development of economic and social processes in the world and is an indicator of the level of development and stable functioning of society.

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How to Cite
2021. SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ITS NEW SOUND IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 10 (Aug. 2021), 87–94.

How to Cite

2021. SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ITS NEW SOUND IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 2, 10 (Aug. 2021), 87–94.


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